Keep Your BMW Running Smoothly with Regular Servicing

As a proud owner of a BMW, you know that your luxury car deserves the best care and attention. Regular servicing is crucial to keep your BMW running smoothly, maintaining its performance, safety, and reselling value. However, with so many servicing options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. In this blog post, we will discuss why your BMW needs regular servicing, what it involves, how often you should book it, and where to get it done.

BMW servicing Melbourne

Why does your BMW need regular servicing?

Your BMW is a finely engineered machine that requires routine maintenance to function at its best and prevent costly repairs. Regular servicing involves several essential checks and adjustments that keep your car’s components in optimal condition, such as oil and filter change, brake inspection, tire rotation, fluid level top-up, battery check, and more. Besides ensuring your BMW’s reliability and longevity, servicing also helps uncover any potential issues before they turn into major problems that could compromise your safety or damage your wallet.

What does BMW servicing involve?

BMW servicing in Melbourne follows a factory-recommended schedule that specifies the maintenance tasks and intervals based on your car’s model, age, and mileage. The typical BMW servicing schedule includes minor or major services, annual or bi-annual inspections, and ad-hoc repairs. Minor services usually involve oil and filter changes, visual safety checks, and fluid top-ups, while major services add more comprehensive checks and replacements, such as spark plugs, air filters, and brake pads. Inspections cover all major systems and parts of your BMW, including engine, transmission, suspension, brakes, steering, electronics, and bodywork.

How often should your BMW be serviced?

The frequency of your BMW servicing depends on several factors, such as your driving style, environmental conditions, and mileage. However, BMW recommends servicing your car at least once per year, even if you don’t drive it much. For higher mileage cars, you may need to book more frequent services every 10,000 miles or so. It’s essential to stick to the recommended schedule to avoid unnecessary wear and tear, prolong your BMW’s life, and comply with the warranty requirements. Also, pay attention to warning lights or unusual noises that could indicate a problem and book an inspection as soon as possible.

Where to get your BMW serviced?

When it comes to servicing your BMW, you have several options. You can either go to the official BMW dealer or authorize European car service in Melbourne, a reputable independent garage with BMW expertise, or a mobile mechanic who can come to your location and service your car on the spot. Each option has its pros and cons, such as cost, quality, convenience, and customer service. However, whatever option you choose, make sure that the technicians are trained to work on BMWs, use genuine BMW parts and tools, follow the recommended servicing procedures, and provide you with a detailed report and invoice.


Whether you’re a long-time BMW fan or a recent convert, taking care of your car is essential to enjoy its performance, safety, and comfort. Regular servicing is a crucial part of BMW ownership that you shouldn’t neglect. By following the factory-recommended schedule, you can rest assured that your BMW is receiving the care and attention it deserves and avoid any surprises down the road. Furthermore, choosing the right place to service your BMW can save you time, money, and headaches and give you peace of mind. So, book your BMW servicing today and enjoy the ultimate driving machine to the fullest!