What Not To Leave In The Car In Summer

Summer is just like winter: it’s one of those seasons where the extreme weather can cause a lot of damage. And leaving things in your car is the starting of it. So what shouldn’t you leave in your car? We spoke to the scrap cars for cash in Melbourne professionals in Cash 4 Cars Melbourne about this particular topic and they gave us their answers: 


You would have heard this story a thousand times before and there is no questioning that is a big no-no. Never. Ever. Leave. Babies in a hot car by themselves. They could die! Unfortunately, it happens so often that people still don’t learn, but we are giving you the heads up and advise you to take notice. The best way is the ‘shoe test’, which entails you to keep a shoe in the front seat with you. When you see it, you’ll remember that you have a baby in the back seat with you. 

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Much like babies, animals don’t cope too well in the heat. And leaving them in car that boils over with no air is going to be a massive problem. Don’t leave your pets in a boiling car – take them with you, so you can ensure their safety in the long run. 


You would have heard the stories about iPhones bending. Well, that is what is going to happen to electronics if you leave them in a hot car. Electronics of all sorts don’t do well in the heat. They either suffer externally (by bending or even melting) or they suffer internally (they become too hot to use or shut down). It is our opinion that you do not leave any electronics in the car. If you do, you risk them suffering and breaking down. And that is a waste of money! Surprisingly it’s one of our most frequently asked questions when it comes to this blog. 


Well, this is a smart idea: keep a flammable canister built up with air pressure in the heat. Sprays of any sort can heat up in the car and when you use them, blow the lid! Or in some cases, might explode on their own. Don’t leave any sprays in the car when it’s hot. If you forget, make sure you throw it out after you come back to the car. 


Can you imagine taking a tablet that has been sweating in the sun all day? Medicines are instructed to be stored in certain temperatures in order to work effectively – and ensure that there are no negative side effects if you take them. So please ensure that you do not keep any medicines of any sort in a hot car. Keep them apart and ensure they do not cause you any problems if you take them. 

Looking for best cash for car batteries? Feel free to contact us for cash for cars Melbourne.

If you’ve got a used battery hanging around the garage, there’s probably no better time to sell it than now. It could mean a quick cash boost or even just the satisfaction of getting rid of something that’s been sitting in the corner for too long.

The first thing you’ll want to do is check with your local auto parts store or service station and see if they recycle old batteries. Many of these stores pay you for recycling them and some also give you store credit if you don’t buy anything new.

You may also be able to find battery buyers at a scrap yard. These companies buy batteries for their lead core, which can be remanufactured and used again. How much you earn will depend on the current market price for lead scrap.

Another way to make some extra cash is by selling your used batteries to a local pawn shop. You might not get as much for your batteries as you would if you sold them to a dealer, but it’s an easy way to make some quick cash.

If you have a lot of batteries and you don’t have the time to take them to a salvage yard or scrap metal shop, then you can try selling them on your local newspaper classifieds section. These ads are usually placed by people who want to sell their used batteries for cash.

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